Seeds of Ministry Process
This process is a way to unleash our congregation into permission-giving ministry that honors our values.  The idea is to share ideas for ministry as the Spirit plants them in our hearts and minds.  You might not be the person to carry out the idea, but just voicing the idea itself.  Sometimes ideas may not take root, but maybe it just means it is not the right time for this seed to be nurtured.  The following process is designed to name the idea (plant the seed), work out details of the idea (water and weed), and implementing the idea (enjoy the fruit). 

1. Plant the Seed—share the idea with Pastor Morie via written communication (a note in “seeds” box, text, or email). print Seed Idea Card

2. Water and Weed—fill out the “Coaching Sheet” by yourself or with Pastor Morie

3. Enjoy the Fruit—carry out the ministry idea and then share with the congregation a brief celebration summary (sent in a weekly email or speak to congregation during worship).


VALUES of Whitefish United Methodist Church (draft as of Feb. 9, 2020)

Faithful—in loving God and one another.

Inclusive—welcoming ALL people as they are.

Serving—our community and world with compassion.

Hope-filled—joyfully working for peace with justice


See a list of all current ideas HERE.  Please contact the church office to obtain contact information for the individuals listed. 406.862.3418

Seeds of Ministry Process