WUMC Connecting Teams work together to maximize the use and role of the church and the property for the benefit of our community.

Missions: Offers faith in action, extending compassion to those in need in our local community and beyond.

Care: Our Care Team provides meals and support to the church family and beyond.

Church Council: Coordinates and oversees all ministries of the Church.

Events: Coordinates church events and activities such as the annual Harvest Bazaar, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and more.

Membership: Supports new members of the church.

Memorials: Manages funds and gifts given as memorials.

Music: Oversees Adult Choir and coordinates with youth for Youth music, choir and Children’s Bell Choir.

Staff Pastor Relations: Responsible for acting as a liaison between the pastor, staff and congregation.

Stewardship & Finance: Coordinates and manages the financial support of WUMC.

Trustees: Charged with care and management of our church property.

United Methodist Women (UMW): A community of women who seek to know God and experience personal freedom through Jesus Christ. The group provides creative and supportive fellowship and expands the concept of global mission.

United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF): Provides a safe, comfortable and fun atmosphere where middle to high school aged kids can explore the Word of God and the challenges that face today’s youth.

Vacation Bible School: Held each summer to offer God’s love to our community’s children through fun activities, Biblical dramas, missions and crafts. A summer favorite for kids and volunteers alike!

Worship: Coordinates Sunday worship and special services such as our Easter Sunrise Service and Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. The Worship team also designates liturgists, greeters and oversees our monthly Holy Communion.