Whitefish United Methodist Church uses E-zekiel Services to provide a secure and confidential way to make a one-time donation or schedule a recurring offering.  Setting up your profile is simple and efficient with the option to register a credit card, bank account or both. You can make changes to your account anytime.

After setting up your account, and anytime you provide a gift, you will receive an e-mail confirmation.
Just click on the blue ONLINE GIVING button below. You will be redirected to E-zekiel’s secure website to register.

If you have any questions, call the church office at 406-862-3418.




For more information on HOW TO sign up for Online Giving or Text Giving, click on the pdf links below:




Building the Beacon

Whitefish United Methodist Church is entering into our Capital Campaign and a chance of renewal. This is an opportunity for us to free ourselves from our debenture and focus our work on comforting the afflicted and providing for those in need. This is our opportunity to become a beacon for good in our community and to provide a warm and welcoming space for all. To make a donation, click on the button below.